Dark Light
Marginal Wood Fern
Dryopteris marginalis

One of the few evergreen ferns, so it’s so nice to see it along the trail on winter hikes!

Alternate Names: Marginal Shieldfern
Size: 1.5'-2' tall
Family: Dryopteridaceae (Wood Fern Family)
Habitat: Moist woods and ravines; Shaded, sandstone crevices; Rocky ledges.
Identification: The broad, dark, leathery, twice-pinnate, evergreen fronds of marginal wood fern are from 1-3 ft. high and as much as 10 in. wide. They arise in vase-like circles from the rootstock, which has a 1 to 4 inch-high crown and sends out shallow, non-colonizing roots radially. Fiddleheads arise in spring and are golden brown and furry. From wildflower.org

All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.
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