I haven’t yet caught this flowering, but it’s on my list to watch out for. This is a sweet delicate little plant that I used to think was a fern, but it’s not – it’s a meadowrue.
Size: 6"-24" tall Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family) Habitat: Rich moist forests, and along streams. More common in the mountains than in the piedmont. Identification: "Smooth herbaceous perennial with biternately compound leaves and rounded leaf lobes. Flowers with white petal-like sepals broad white stamens, and slender, elongate flower stalks in few-flowered inflorescenses." From Wildflowers & Plant Communities. Basically I think their flowers sort of look like asters, but not exactly. Flowers May-July Uses: Thalictrums contain some alkaloids that have the potential to lower blood pressure and inhibit the growth of tumors. But don't ingest this plant.