Dark Light
Small black bees on dry dirt with hole

Miner Bee (Andrenid bee)

These bees all seem to emerge on a warm day, right next to my driveway, buzzing about like crazy. Thankfully they are not aggressive!

American Woodcock

How much walk can a Woodcock walk if a Woodcock could spot worms? WELL, Let me show you the cutest and weirdest bird walk that I've found so far...
Black snake

Black Racer

Yes, please hang out in my shed and eat all the annoying pooping mice AND chase all the Copperheads away, Thank You I Appreciate You!

Gray Catbird

It kind of "meeewww"s like cat. And I'm really trying not to make a joke about a hot tin roof. Trying.
All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.