Nursery Web Spider
Funny I found this "nursery web" spider protecting it's babies in the egg sack!
Wool Sower Wasp Gall
My first reaction: "What on earth is this crazy Willy Wonka fuzzy ball growing from a thin branch on an oak tree I don't understand how this can be real and also WHAT IS IT"
Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly
Not to be confused with the female dark version of the Tiger Swallowtail... but they are very very similar looking!
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
These butterflies like to have their orgy parties on the gravel roads around here.
Tulip Poplar
I love this tree because my honey bees love it.
Scarlet Kingsnake
Is it a Scarlet Kingsnake or a Milksnake? Not sure. Is it poisonous? Absolutely not!
Common Five-lined Skink
What do you think skinks do? I will tell you. Skinks be skinkin'
Broad-headed skink
I got big jaws and I cannot lie, your other brothers can't deny...
Orchard Oriole
Literally heard this bird while I was in the orchard.
American Robin
You can throw a stone in the suburbs and hit a robin (but please don't!) however I've only seen ONE the entire time I've been out here at Middle Way. Weird!