Atamasco Lily
A lovely little white lily that blooms in mid-spring.
Field Horsetail
An unusual pre-historic plant that contains up to 10% silicon!
Poison Ivy
I met a guy that ate poison ivy. Seriously.
Kind of invasive, kind of edible, kind of yellow, kind of native?
Yellow Hawkweed (Kill Devil)
Virginia Knotweed
It is a weed? Is it invasive? Is this the right identification? Only time will tell.
Two Headed Water Starwort
What is like duckweed but with two heads?
Pipsissewa, Striped Wintergreen
Pipsissewa: my FAVORITE plant name so far. If you say it out loud, it just makes your mouth happy. Pip-sis-eh-wah...
Spotted Spurge
Let me see you get low, drop your hiney to the floor, and pull that spurge, man pull that spurge! Get low, get low.... (is this even funny? we're three years into the pandemic so I don't know anymore)
Short Toothed Mountain Mint
Our very own native mint! And it is an insect pollinator super-attractor as well.