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Golden Ragwort
Packera aurea

I’ve read that you can use this native “weed” to out compete Japanese stilt grass, which is something I’d like to try some day. Although it’s considered a weed, I think it’s a lovely bright flower that (at least here) occurs along the stream beds.

Of course, I’m curious as to where the word “ragwort” came from, and from what I could find, it might related to the ragged form of the leaves.

Alternate Names: Golden Groundsel, Golden Ragwort, Butterweed
Size: 1'-3' tall
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Habitat: Rich acidic soils, can tolerate some flooding and can grow in dryish areas. Can tolerate sun-shade.
Identification: From Wildflower.org: Golden groundsel’s stout, thick, basal offshoots creep horizontally and send up erect flowering stems 1-3 ft. in height. Flowers are deep golden-yellow, daisy-like and showy. Heart-shaped basal leaves are dark-green above and purple beneath. The stem leaves are lobed. The roots colonize and the plant can achieve a groundcover effect over time. Blooms March-August.
All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.
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