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Pussy Toes
Antennaria plantaginifolia

From what I’ve read, which can actually serve as a great ground cover for native gardens. It’s an unusual looking flower which someone thought looked like a cat’s paw at some point (I mean, that might not be the first thing I think of when I see it, but I guess it does appear fuzzy).

Alternate Names: Woman's Tobacco, Ladies' Tobacco, Everlasting, Mouse Ear, Plantain-leaf Pussytoes
Size:  3"-6" tall.
Family: Poaceae (Grass Family) 
Habitat: Found in forests, clearings, meadows and road banks. Likes clay, sandy rocky, poor and well drained soil, which is a little acidic Full sun or partial shade. 
Identification: "A low, colony-forming plant, spreading by runners, with basal leaves and erect stems, each bearing a terminal cluster of fuzzy, rayless flower heads. The crowded flower heads are thought to resemble a cat's paw, hence the common name." From wildflowers.org  Blooms March-June

All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.
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