Dark Light

American Woodcock

How much walk can a Woodcock walk if a Woodcock could spot worms? WELL, Let me show you the cutest and weirdest bird walk that I've found so far...

White-footed Mouse

I am not afraid of mice. But when I see a mouse? NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. I can't decide which is worse, how my chickens poop anytime anywhere everywhere, or how a mouse does.

Song Sparrow

The coloring of this sparrow varies greatly across North America, so learning it's song is also a good way to tell it apart from others.

Fowler’s Toad

You know how they say not to lick toads? Well don't lick this one: it secretes a noxious compound from the warts on its back which can be lethal to small mammals. AND this toad also sometimes plays dead.

Common Yellowthroat

These little warblers like tangled vegetation near marshes or wetlands, which is why I spotted one near a creek amongst all the tangly Witchhazel and Brook Alder.
All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.