The root beer tree!
Eastern Redbud
Why is it called a Redbud when it's flowers are either pink or purple?
Kind of invasive, kind of edible, kind of yellow, kind of native?
Witches Butter
Many of these jelly mushrooms are edible, but look at this thing: would you want to eat THIS?
Winged Sumac
If you can't get any lemons because of weather or supply chain issues, maybe just get out to the edge of some woods and harvest yourself a little sumac.
Why can't you be a blueberry? Why????? There are so many of these in the woods.... but they really don't taste good.... whyyyyyy.
Black Witches Butter
Just another jelly fungus that is totally edible and totally not palatable to me (at least visually!)
Stump Puffball
If I was making up the common name of this fungi, I would call it Pearly Puffball.
Snow Fungus
I just love the common name of this fungus, probably because I really love snow.
Short Toothed Mountain Mint
Our very own native mint! And it is an insect pollinator super-attractor as well.