Dark Light
Three-lobed Violet
Viola palmata palmata

The most distinctive thing about this particular violet is the shape of it’s leaves. InitiallyI thought it was Arrowleaf Violet, however the leaves were different enough that I thought I needed to look into it further.

Supposedly this is a violet that is “usually found in higher quality woodlands where the original ground flora is still intact.”

Alternate Names: Tall Thimbleweed, Thimbleweed, Tall Anemone
Size: up to 6" tall
Family: Violaceae (Violet Family)
Habitat: Light to partial shade, doesn't do well in areas with a lot of leaf litter or competition. Found in woodlands, riverbanks.
Identification: "Consists of a rosette of low basal leaves about 4-7" across, from which several flowering stalks develop. The blades of the basal leaves are 1½-3" long and similarly across; in outline, they are oval, orbicular, or orbicular-reniform. Early leaf blades usually lack lobes, while later blades have 3-5 major lobes and sometimes smaller secondary lobes. These palmate lobes are irregular in shape and they usually extend up to one-half of the distance, and sometimes even more, into the interior of a blade. The margins of early leaf blades are finely crenate, while the margins of later blades are smooth, crenate, or dentate. Upper surfaces of the leaf blades are medium to dark green and hairless (or nearly so), while their lower surfaces are light green and usually hairy along the major veins. The petioles of the basal leaves are relatively stout and long (about 2-4" in length), light green to pale purplish green, and either smooth or hairy."  From illinoiswildflowers.info 
All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.
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