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American Beech
Fagus grandifolia

Possibly one of my favorite native North American trees, the American Beech is just lovely in every season.

The beechnuts from the tree provide food for birds, deer, squirrels, turkeys and more. In the past, the nuts have been pressed for cooking oil (similar to olive oil), lamp oils, or ground and used as flour.

Beech develops suckers from its vast system of surface roots. Entire beech groves have often grown from the roots of a single tree, so you’ll often find groves and colonies. Beeches are very long-lived, and have few pests. In fact, some American Beech trees have been found to be 300-400 years old!

Size: 50'-70', however can reach up to 120' tall
Family: Fagaceae (Beech Family)
Habitat: Moist or wet lowland sites, shade tolerant.
Identifiers: Bark smooth and gray, produces small edible beech nuts. Dark-green, glossy, prominently veined leaves turn copper-colored in the fall and hold on most of the winter.
All text and photos copyright © 2022 Middle Way Nature Reserve, unless noted.
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