Poison Ivy
I met a guy that ate poison ivy. Seriously.
Flowering Dogwood
My family told me they are called dogwoods because their flowers smell like wet dogs. In any case they are still one of my favorite Virginia trees!
Winged Sumac
If you can't get any lemons because of weather or supply chain issues, maybe just get out to the edge of some woods and harvest yourself a little sumac.
Why can't you be a blueberry? Why????? There are so many of these in the woods.... but they really don't taste good.... whyyyyyy.
Don't confuse me with Witchhazel, which also has yellow flowers on bare branches (but blooms in the winter).
Partridge Berry
So named because the berries are a tasty treat for all sorts of woodland birds like turkeys, partridges, grouses.
Mapleleaf Viburnum
A good choice for a native garden, this viburnum may not be super fragrant, but it definitely is beneficial for insects and mammals!
Chinese Privet
There's really nothing good to say about this plant. Eradicate! comes to mind...
Super showy and fragrant tree that does really look like it's name when it's blooming.