Pleated Inkcap
I find the dainty short-lived delicate mushrooms to be very charming.
Wool Sower Wasp Gall
My first reaction: "What on earth is this crazy Willy Wonka fuzzy ball growing from a thin branch on an oak tree I don't understand how this can be real and also WHAT IS IT"
North American Opossum
The Tale of the Pie Possum and the Leaping Man
Eastern Redbud
Why is it called a Redbud when it's flowers are either pink or purple?
Wild Geranium
This plant has developed a way to shoot the seeds into the air, and once they land, they "WALK" across the ground to find a good spot to germinate. Really.
Eastern Bluebird
Typically prefer the communal lifestyle, hang out in FamilyFlocks and join other flocks in the winter to make the MonsterFlock.
Venus’ Pride
This is a U.S. endangered species, and I was very happy to find it here at Middle Way Nature Reserve, where it can hopefully stay protected, and hopefully flourish.
Trailing Arbutus
Tiny rare and difficult to cultivate plant that supposedly was the first flower to cheer the pilgrims in New England after their first hard winter.
Pipsissewa, Striped Wintergreen
Pipsissewa: my FAVORITE plant name so far. If you say it out loud, it just makes your mouth happy. Pip-sis-eh-wah...
Split Gill Fungi
Also known (to me) as "pink fuzzy bedroom slipper fungi"